Frequently Asked Questions

Is it allowed to share and publish videos from Library Channel on other websites?
Yes. Programmes are made for free sharing and embedding them to other websites is more than welcome. You can share and embed our videos to different sites or blogs and show them in an event or as a part of a lesson in Finland or abroad. The videos don’t have a limited release time, you are able to watch and listen to them without any limitations. All materials produced by Library Channel are licensed with a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA).
How can I add a video from Kirjastokaista to my own website?
There’s an Embed-code -button next to every video. Copy the Embed-code by pushing the </>-button. For example, if you want to have the newest video on Kirjastokaista to automatically show up on your website, feel free to contact us. We’ll send you a script that you can add to your website. The desired video can be viewed after you have pasted the embed code on your website or blog post.
How to share Library Channel’s videos on social media?
You can easily share our videos in for example Facebook and Twitter. There is a ‘Share’-button in the top right corner of every Library Channel video. In addition to that there are Facebook and Twitter buttons on every page so you can easily share videos in the services above.
Facebook doesn’t support third party video players anymore. If you try to share a link from YouTube or Vimeo on facebook, it just shows up as a thumbnail + a link to the video. As a result, we only put the shorter social media appropriate videos on facebook for you to share without issues.
Library Channel’s Facebook videos
How to continuosly loop Library Channel’s videos for example on an info screen?
Continuously looping a video can be done using an autoplay-code. There’s an example of a continuous loop below. The sequence of numbers in the middle of the URL is the id number of the video. Copy the URL below and change the number sequence into the id of the desired video, now you have created a continuously looping video. You can find the id of the video in the top right corner of the screen under the share-button.
Does Library Channel allow videos from other sources to be shown on their website?
Yes. If you or your library produces videos or podcasts that you want to be shown on the Library Channel -website, please contact us.
In order to determine the suitability of the video(s) or podcast(s) for our website, we’ll check that the content and copyrights are compatible with the production guidelines of Library Channel.
You can submit video(s) or podcast(s) to Library Channel in the following ways:
a) Publish it in Vimeo, SoundCloud or YouTube on your own account and we’ll import them to our website by creating an import script. For example, you can create a playlist labeled “Library Channel” in one of the previously mentioned services and we can determine that all content from that playlist will automatically be imported onto our website.
b) Send a download link to the video(s) or podcast(s) you want published on the Library Channel -website and we’ll upload the files on our own Vimeo-, YouTube- or SoundCloud account and publish them on the Library Channel -website.
How to get Library Channel to stream an event live organized by me or my library?
Library Channel has the resources to live stream two events per month. If you’re about to organize an event you think could have potential to interest a broader audience and be available for viewing after the event is over, please read the instructions on our Live-page and contact us. We aim to live stream important events all over Finland, keeping in mind that our resources for travelling are limited. Library Channel strives to improve geographical equality and accessibility with our live streaming operation.
Where can I download the Library Channel -logo in good quality?
You can find the Library Channel -logo as well as logos for other -services in the “Materiaalipankki”. If you don’t find a logo suitable for your needs, please contact us.
Library Channel’s logos
Does Library Channel offer an application development interface?
Library Channel is available through the WordPress Core Rest API ( and it has been extended with the wpml-wp-rest-api-adapter ( plugin and a couple of other additions.
Library channel’s videos and podcasts are imported from Vimeo, YouTube and Soundcloud. There are also several APIs and widgets for those services.
Do you need some additional information? Contact us!
Library Channel’s contact information