Tags: documentary film

The Street Librarian (2015) is about the work of Edward Fungo, the Regional Librarian of Morogoro. He’s determined to make Tanzania an informational society one person at a time. Working […]

The Library of Parliament – 100 Years of Openness

The story of parliament’s library is part of the history of finnish society. Started in 1913, the library’s openness sets a good example of finnish democracy. There’s only a few […]

Library Connection documentary is about the co-operation between Vantaa and Windhoek which resulted in establishing the Greenwell Matongo Community Library.

Library Connection is a documentary about the co-operation between Vantaa and Windhoek which resulted in establishing the Greenwell Matongo Community Library. The services were developed according to the needs of […]

Library Connection – 10 years of co-operation

Library Connection documentary is now ready and available for viewing at Kirjastokaista. It can be downloaded, embedded on any site and be shown anywhere without limitations. The city of Vantaa […]

The Gateway to the World is situated in Namibia’s capital, Windhoek, in the Katutura district. The documentary follows two young people in the poor Greenwell Matongo area, where the library […]

Libraries are for sure important places. In fact, they can contribute to creating a stronger society. By providing information and related services, they may actually even help individuals in rising […]

It’s on! The fourth Cycling for Libraries tour has started! This year there’s no film crew but Kirjastokaista will publish videos from the participants along the way. This years cycling route […]