Library Services Presented
The Library Services Presented category includes presentations of different library services in the form of interviews, talks and service showcasing videos.
Tip! You will find more library services presented programs in Finnish in category Kirjastopalveluja esittelyssä.
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Building of the central library begins in fall 2016 and it will be completed in 2018 to celebrate the centennial of Finnish independence. The library is the Finnish Government’s official […]
Tritonia library serves research, education and studies at the University of Vaasa, Vamk University of Applied Sciences, Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa and Jakobstad and Novia University of Applied Sciences […]
There is only a very small amount of materials about the library for non-Finnish speaking children in their own mother tongue. “The library is your friend” booklet has been translated […]
The Multilingual Library is your library, no matter where you live in Finland. The Multilingual Library collection at Pasila Library in Helsinki contains materials in more than 80 languages for […]
The multilingual library is your library, no matter where you live in Finland. The Multilingual Library collection at Pasila Library in Helsinki contains materials in more than 80 languages for […]
Every day is Library Day – although the actual occasion is on the 19th of March. The Library is a strong influencer in Finnish society. Library Day is also a […]
The World Library and Information Congress 2012, 78th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, will take place in Helsinki, Finland. The theme of the congress is Libraries now – Inspiring, Surprising, Empowering! […]
In the community of Larsmo library statistics have been on the rise for a long time. No wonder, because even the fish read. Find out what lies behind this amazing […]
“Kalle and Keijo’s library classification” is a humorous video about library classification. The animation’s creator, Tuomas Toivainen, is also known for creating the “Hullu – hullumpi – yläaste” animation series […]
In Jakobstad the city library organizes co-operation between the school and the library. This way, the library can have an impact outside its walls as well. Monica Borg-Sunabacka, barn- och […]
Is it a perfect moment for reading, watching or listening? Grab your phone or tablet and start enjoying the eLibrary – whenever, wherever. There you find books, movies, videos, music […]
The new millennium requires a new library – the Central Library. The Central Library Oodi offers a public space open to all in the heart of the city. It will […]
The American Resource Center celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2016. After the Second World War, the United States set up libraries around the world in affiliation with its embassies. In […]