A touching Documentary on the Evacuation of Helsinki University Library’s Treasures has been published

A new documentary titled “Save Science! Evacuations of Helsinki University Library 1939–1945” has been published on Kirjastokaista (Library Channel) and National Library’s YouTube channel.

Helsinki University Library, now the National Library of Finland, prepared for the devastation of war during the Winter and Continuation Wars by evacuating its collections. Amidst the heavy bombardment of Helsinki by the Soviet Union, the scientific collections were moved to safety. Now, 80 years later, Library Channel’s and National Library’s documentary “Save Science!” tells the story of the evacuations. This unique documentary recounts how Finnish cultural heritage was safeguarded and provides new information about the evacuations of scientific collections and the invaluable contribution of volunteers who assisted in the rescue efforts. The film highlights the heroes of the evacuation – who were they and where and how were the collections evacuated?

Written by Anna Kortelainen, the documentary sheds light on new information about evacuations of science and the invaluable contribution of volunteers as part of the rescue efforts. The film contains a wealth of archival material as well as new material filmed specifically for this documentary. It also includes segments where Anna Kortelainen connects the events to the present day by interviewing Kimmo Tuominen, University Librarian of the National Library.

The documentary is one hour long. It is in Finnish and is subtitled not only in Finnish but also in Swedish and English. You can choose the subtitles by clicking on the CC icon at the bottom right of the video.

The documentary was published on April 17, 2024, on Kirjastokaista.fi (Librarychannel.fi) and on the National Library’s YouTube channel and is freely available to watch and share. The film may be freely shown at various events, but commercial use is prohibited. The film can be screened from Kirjastokaista.fi or downloaded as a file for screening purposes. Screenings can be arranged freely without seeking permission from the creators, but we appreciate every screening and would be pleased if you inform the producer at Kirjastokaista, Riitta Taarasti, riitta.taarasti@kirjastot.fi.

For more information:
Save Science! Trailer
Images for Marketing Purposes Press
Release on the National Library’s Website
Save Science! Documentary on the National Library’s YouTube Channel

Documentary Title:
Pelastakaa tiede! Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston evakuoinnit 1939–1945 // Rädda vetenskapen! Evakueringarna av Helsingfors universitetsbibliotek 1939–1945 // Save Science! Evacuations of Helsinki University Library 1939–1945

Publication Date: April 17, 2024
Language: Finnish
Subtitles: Finnish, Swedish and English
Duration: 57 minutes
CC License: CC BY-NC-SA (non-commercial use)

Screenplay and Concept: Anna Kortelainen
Narrator and Interviewer: Anna Kortelainen
Interviewee: Kimmo Tuominen
Voice Actors: Janina Berman and Pertti Havas (Artlab)
Cinematography: Mikko Helander and Joonas Nevalainen
Editing: Mikko Helander
Image Editing: Joonas Kolehmainen, Anna Kortelainen and Joonas Nevalainen
Sound Design: Joonas Nevalainen
Color Grading and Special Effects: Mikko Helander
Producer at the National Library: Joonas Kolehmainen
Producer at the Library Channel: Riitta Taarasti
Music: Storyblocks
Production: Anna Kortelainen, National Library and Library Channel, 2024

Image: screenshot from the documentary

– Riitta Taarasti, April 19, 2024 –

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