Management and decision-making
In the Management and decision-making category you can find presentations, interviews and discussions about management, decision-making and development. The presentations are mainly live lectures from library seminars and training days.
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Council for Finnish University Libraries – SYN has produced a video about its new strategy. The Council of Finnish University Libraries is a co-ordinating and developing co-operation of the University […]
Livestream recording from Crwdpuisto, Finland’s first mass fundraising event. The recording contains “The crowdfunding industry rising in the world” by Oliver Gajdan of European Crowdfunding Network. Crwdpuisto was organized on […]
Livestream recording from Crwdpuisto, Finland’s first mass fundraising event. Recording of “The Year Changed Through Crowdsourcing”, participants: professor Mikko Koria of Aalto University, Oliver Gajda of ECN, Mika Jordman of […]
Live-stream recording from the “LIBRARY. I LOVE IT!” -seminar, 27th August 2014 in Iisalmi, Finland. Eeva Hiltunen, AVI Eastern Finland, and Taina Pirhonen, AVI Southern Finland, tell about “regional state […]