Reinert Mithassel: Designing Today, Destination Tomorrow -summary

Live-stream recording from a two-day conference “Designing today, Destination tomorrow – Libraries equipped to serve and innovate” in Helsinki, Finland on March 19-20, 2015. This live streaming video includes a summary by Reinert Mithassel, Project Manager, Oslo Public Library.

New libraries are currently being planned or have recently been completed in many cities around the world. New technologies and changes in individual behavior alter the way in which we approach familiar services in such an evolving environment. It requires that we rethink how we approach the design of these services, the services themselves, and the structure in which they are housed. How do these libraries of tomorrow need to look? What will happen inside them? What is required of the staff to adjust?

Helsinki is planning a new central library scheduled to open in 2018. In planning for this, the Helsinki City Library was organizing a conference to share experiences and ideas.

Additional information:
Central Library
About Conference

Image mixing: Mikko Helander
Cameras: Tuomas Lipponen
Audio: Panu Somerma
Producer: Riitta Taarasti
Produced by Kirjastokaista –, 2015


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