E-books and digital world
In the E-Books and digital world category you will find presentations, interviews and discussions that are related to e-books and the theme of digitization. The videos are, for the most part, originally live streamed from library related seminars, events and conferences.
Tip! You can find E-books and digital world programs in Finnish in category E-aineistot ja digitointi.
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Kista Idea Lab is a re:library thinktank for mobile workflow and collaborative learning in one of the most multilingual and multitechnological areas of the world. Åke Nygren and Hanna Westöö […]
Live-stream recording from a two-day conference “RESHAPE – Reshaping lives and libraries” in Helsinki, Finland. This live streaming video includes a presentation by Keynote Speaker, programmer, storyteller, illustrator Linda Liukas, […]
Live-stream recording from a two-day conference “RESHAPE – Reshaping lives and libraries” in Helsinki, Finland. This live streaming video includes a Pecha Kucha presentation by Andreas Ingefjord, Department Head, Malmö […]
Rolf Hapel, director of citizens’ services and libraries in Aarhus, tells about Danish Digital Library powered by TING, about Open Source and joined efforts in public libraries. The vision of […]
The Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers rotates annually between the five Scandinavian countries. Finland holds the Presidency for 2011 and as part of its agenda, the Ministry of […]
Live-stream recording from E-kirjastopäivä (E-Library Day). This live streaming video includes a presentation by Mikkel Christoffersen, “The success factors and the challenges of e-lending services”. The video also includes discussion […]
Live-stream recording from an event “Yhteiseen e-kirjastoon?” in Helsinki, Finland, 18th September 2019. This live streaming video includes a presentation by Jesper Klein, Product manager Världens bibliotek / Senior consultant […]
Head of IT and Communications at The City of Aarhus, Bo Fristed, tells about the project for new national service for e-books in Denmark. More info: Reading skills, Scandinavian Public […]
Live-stream recording from the “LIBRARY. I LOVE IT!” -seminar, 27th August 2014 in Iisalmi, Finland. Aino Ketonen, Information Specialist and Project Leader at the Consortium of Public Libraries, tells about […]
How is digitalisation changing the daily life and future of public libraries? What should we bear in mind when planning for the future of libraries in the digital world? Get […]